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Here's where all the articles, tutorials, information pages etc. hide.

If you've got any ideas for new articles, have enjoyed something here, or want to tell us that we're plain wrong (be nice!), then send us feedback! We're a simple web-site at the moment, so don't have online posting of comments, so you'll have to make-do with our "feedback" email address - that's at

posted:5th March 2012
XMega Example code

A collection of simple examples and demos for Atmel's XMega range - each example includes code to download.

posted:19th December 2011
AVR PDI Header Pinouts

A quick-reference page to show you how the AVR PDI Headers are typically laid out. It includes diagrams, photographs and descriptions of the headers.

posted:5th February 2009
Text on TV

This article describes in some detail how the TellyMate serial to TV adapter works. The TellyMate takes serial data and displays it as a 38x25 character display on a TV screen.

The minimum hardware list is:

  • AVR Mega8
  • 16Mhz crystal (+capacitors)
  • 2 signal diodes
  • 2 resistors

As usual, the article is also available on a single-page or as a pdf file if you prefer.

posted:20th January 2008
Monochrome Composite Video

A page of diagrams and (rather terse) notes about the timing and structure of a composite video signal. It's primarily aimed for people who are going to be generating black and white (or grayscale) composite video signals from a microprocessor.

posted:25th October 2008
LED dimming using Binary Code Modulation

Blinking LEDs have evolved.

This article covers a couple of methods of dimming LEDs using microcontrollers; Pulse Width Modulation and 'Binary Code Modulation' (sometimes known as Bit Angle Modulation). It's primary intent is to introduce Binary Code Modulation to a wider audience. To that end, it has some simple but useable Binary Code Modulation example code. A summary is provided which might help when deciding which dimming method to use. It's also available as a single page or a pdf file if you prefer.

posted:17th October 2008
Controlling Two LEDs per uC pin

Sometimes you just run out of pins to control your LEDs.

This tutorial shows you a way of independently controlling two LEDs for each microcontroller pin. It goes on to explain how to run 16 LEDs from 8 pins. Schematics and example code are included. It's also available as a single page, more suitable for printing, and as a PDF File.

posted:18th October 2008
AVR ISP Header Pinouts

A quick-reference page to show you how the AVR ISP Headers are laid out. It includes diagrams, photographs and descriptions of the headers. If you've ever got your head in a fuzz over which way round, which way up, and which side you're supposed to be looking from, here's the page for you!