LED dimming using Binary Code Modulation


This article has given a brief overview of just a couple of methods of dimming LEDs using microcontrollers. In the lists below, I have summarised points about each method, not to find a 'winner', but to help guide you to which method might be suitable for your application. If you're just dimming a single LED then hardware PWM is probably your best bet. If you want to control five or six RGB LEDs from a single AVR, then I'd suggest Binary Code Modulation as a solution (each colour is a separate channel of output). If you're playing with several hobby servo motors, then Software PWM is probably for you.

Hardware PWM

Software PWM

Binary Code Modulation

It's always difficult/dangerous to simplify and generalise decisions. The correct choice for a given situation will inevitably involve many more factors than I could possibly cover here, but in order to offer some guidance (however mistakenly), here is what I'd choose for controlling LEDs with 8-bit resolution;

Note: Changes:
8th January 2009 -
Modified some details about Software PWM as I think I'd been slightly mislead into believing that S/W PWM is more processor intensive than it is.

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The following files are available for download:

Version Date File Size
"LED dimming using Binary Code Modulation" article 2.0 2009-01-08 (PDF file) art_bcm_02.pdf 174.3 kB
1.0 2008-10-25 (PDF file) art_bcm_01.pdf 146.5 kB
example code 1.0 2008-10-25 (.c file) code_art_bcm_10.c 4.2 kB