BreadMate USB XMega PDI

An open-source, breadboard-friendly, DIL format, USB XMega A4 board

Micro-USB powered XMega breadboarding
  • PDI Header onboard
  • XMega128A4U pre-soldered
  • new! USB bootloader pre-installed
  • All I/O pins available
  • Fits standard 0.1" breadboards
  • 21mm x 46mm
  • with XMega128A4U: £15.00 
    not available

More pictures...

This simple open-source board brings all the I/O pins of the XMegaA4 out to your breadboard.
An onboard Micro-USB socket provides power (via an onboard 3.3v LDO voltage regulator).
All parts except the header pins are pre-soldered, fully tested, and ready to go!

The board has been designed to keep port pins together and all the I/O pins have been brought out to clearly labelled headers.

Note: We're now supplying these boards with Atmel's DFU bootloader pre-programmed.
The bootloader is run if pin C3 [marked] is grounded when the board is powered up (we still recommend that you've got a PDI programmer around though!).
Atmel's FLIP utility can then be used to program the board via USB.
The multi-platform dfu-programmer software also supports the XMega DFU bootloader. It works very nicely for us.


Open-Source Hardware

Creative Commons Licence

Creative Commons Licence

The BreadMate USB XMega PDI board is an Open-Source Hardware project released under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License

Hardware design (schematics and board) are available below.





You will need to supply the following:


Getting started

Solder the header pins on. Plug into your breadboard. Connect a Micro-USB lead (for power). Connect your programmer. Go!

We've got a page with some XMega examples, which might be useful.

Technical stuff

Pads for a standard crystal (HC49/US) and load caps (0805) are onboard.
SJ1 (default: connected) connects Vcc to AVcc.
SJ2 (default: connected) connects USB 5v to the voltage regulator.
SJ3 (default: not connected) connects header pins D6/D7 to the XMega.
SJ4 (default: connected) connects USB D+/D- to the XMega.
SJ5 (default: connected) connects VReg output to Vcc (board v1c onwards)

This board is designed to be powered via the Micro-USB header. If you want to supply Vcc yourself, the onboard VReg should be isolated by cutting SJ2 and SJ5 (back-powering the board could make the VReg hot and grumpy otherwise).

Release History

Board v1c
Tweaking release
added: SJ5 to isolate VReg output
change: 5v test pad larger

Board v1b
Open-source release
change: (unpopulated) crystal is now a through-hole HC49 (+0805 caps)
added: (unpopulated) pads for power LED + resistor
change: more copper around header pins.

Board v1a
Initial release
(unpopulated) crystal is 3.5 x 2.5mm SMT (+0603 caps)


Part# Description price
BMP001UF USB BreadMate XMega PDI adapter (XMega128A4U) £15.00
not available


circuit schematics

Version Date File Size
1.0c 2013-07-10 (PDF file) sch_bm_pdi_u4_10c.pdf 83.1 kB
1.0b 2012-05-21 (PDF file) sch_bm_pdi_u4_10b.pdf 75.3 kB
1.0a 2012-01-28 (PDF file) sch_bm_pdi_u4_10a.pdf 51.1 kB
1.0 2011-12-21 (PDF file) sch_bm_pdi_u4_10.pdf 46.2 kB


Version Date File Size
1.0c 2013-07-10 (PDF file) board_bm_pdi_u4_10c.pdf 83.4 kB
1.0b 2012-05-21 (PDF file) board_bm_pdi_u4_10b.pdf 90.0 kB

eagle files

Version Date File Size
1.0c 2013-07-10 (ZIP archive) 48.7 kB
1.0b 2012-05-21 (ZIP archive) 43.0 kB