First class caving lamps and retro-fit LED units. Designed and manufactured in the UK.
A rather useful little search engine for the searching the web thingy. This is the UK one.
A stunningly good website dedicated to AVR microcontrollers designed by Atmel. I can't rate this site highly enough.
Covers every detail of every analogue TV signal you'll ever want to know about.
Everything you ever wanted to know about terminals, but never knew you wanted to. It's a great site for obscure user manuals and it's got a frightening
state diagram for VT100 control sequence decoding.
The Arduino is an open-source electronics prototyping platform specifically aimed at artists, designers and hobbyists.
Low priced PCBs. Astonishing prices for small boards in low quantities.
Very, very high quality boards with great prototype pricing. If you like purple. Which we do. Sometimes.
High quality boards with an excellent service. Good for medium/large runs.
Great for medium/large runs of PCBs with relatively short lead times.